Activation Reports brought to you by Fish d’Vine
Major contributors to VMR Whitsundays
Activation 06/04/16
Skipper: Fin Forbes
Crew: Rod & John
Task: Assist a 35 ft Sailing Cat near Grassy Island
Bill (24/7 Phone Holder) rang just after 6pm (before tea)
The cat, skippered by a VMR member with 4 person on board, had damaged sails and one engine was not working.
Our crew completed the checks and departed APM at 1835.
After a bit of a search as the coordinates given did not match the description of where they thought they were, we arrived at the vessel at 1915.
Catamarans never seem to have a convenient towing point so John constructed a bridle.
We were towing by 1950, and after dropping the vessel to its berth, we were refuelled and back in our pen by 2205
Time on job: 3½ hours Fuel Used: 128 litres
Editor’s note: As there are no pics, here is a file pic of a cat being towed.